Exploring our Past

The Geology & Archaeology of Shap & The Lowther Valley

Shap and The Lowther Valley has an amazing history.

The countryside of Shap and The Lowther Valley has been created over millions of years giving us the varied landscape we see today. From limestone pavements formed in warm tropical seas to the volcanoes that formed Shap Granite and the Lakeland fells – there is a huge variety of geological formations that have influenced and shaped our history and the ways in which our ancestors have utilised and changed the land.

Join us as we explore our distant past and discover how our local landscape was formed, changed and utilised by our ancestors.



Wednesday 4th September – 7pm

The History of Shap Granite Quarry

Shap Pink Granite has been used throughout the country. Join local expert Jean Scott-Smith as she looks back at the history of the quarry and the people who worked there.